To assist with validation of legs during the Round the World Flight, there is a piece of software you must aquire. This is called the FS-Duenna and is a small tool to help validate flights during the RTW-Race FlightSim vs Avsim vs Sim-Outhouse. It was found that the integrated Flight-Analysis-Window in FS2004 did not provide sufficient information to validate flights and that it sometimes displayed flights as invalid although everything was done correctly. This tool will check for specific conditions before, during and after a flight. It will create a validation-graphic which may be posted in the forum as a proof of validation. It also creates a small text file with all the information collected. Both are opened upon finishing the flight.
The application is courtesy of Mr John Mueller. However with the release of Prepar3d and FSX Steam Edition the program required some updateing and Mr Mueller's schedule wasn't consistent with making these updates. In this case Eamonn Watson has updated the Duenna into a new version to allow support for these simulators as well as updating it with a modern compiler.
The current version is V3.0.2019.0208. To install it you will need to download it from the following link:
fsduenna.softwareFor futher information please ask your team mates or ask in our forum here for assistance
For Further information on John Mueller's Duenna and the history of the Duenna you can always visit his site here:
His most recent version is V.0.891 R131.